I’ve been wanting to post about this for a while - I’ve made a full version which will be on YouTube shortly ...
Basically - in a short form, I feel that porn has taken away a lot of the sacredness of connection and intimacy in relationships - and it is something we should not be hiding or utilizing at all behind our partners back. It is such an artificial stimulation that is preventing us from fully engaging with our own sexuality within ourselves and each other. We need to be engaging and learning from EACH OTHER by communicating and expressing ourselves - NOT by watching something on the internet.
I encourage you to think twice about your usage of porn - ESPECIALLY when you’re in a committed relationship.
Coming from a perspective of one who has been in the industry, and knows it from inside - I truly feel it is a highly addictive and toxic on many levels. It causes much more harm than good ... especially to individuals in a relationship.
And then to add, in the perspective of a woman and I think I can speak for many women in how we are bombarded by expectations and pressure to look good in society. A lot of women are not comfortable watching porn with her man or even in general… Mainly because it brings on insecurities and feelings like they are not good enough because they don’t look like that or they wouldn’t want to do what they see is going on in the porn... men can get insecure too. The point is not relying on having to watch artificial stimulation but instead exploring together… I personally have never watched porn with any of my partners that I was in a romantic relationship with… And quite honestly I never would want to… Because I don’t feel the need to… Because I feel if my sexuality is not adequate enough then there’s no point in me wanting to be in that relationship… I feel Porn is a tool mainly to be used by people that are single but once you are engaged in a relationship unless that is something that BOTH people enjoy doing together comfortably I feel that it serves no real purpose in a healthy relationship between two people.
People need to wake up to the fact that hiding their porn addiction from their partner is just as bad as any other addiction - and can cause serious mental, emotional and even physical harm and insecurity to the partner.
Sexuality should be a shared experience between two people and should be communicated in a way where they don’t have to rely on artificial stimulation…
If the usage of porn is truly desired by BOTH partners, then that is a different story. But majority of the time, that is NOT the case. And it is NOT fair.
Learn to appreciate what you have and focus on controlling your sexuality and using it to find love and intimacy with your partner.